The Most Challenging Bosses in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and How to Beat Them

Embarking on the journey through the mythic landscapes of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, players are thrust into a world where the line between life and death is as thin as a blade's edge. As the one-armed wolf, Sekiro, you're challenged not just by the terrain but by formidable foes who stand in the path of your quest. Among these opponents, a few stand out for their sheer difficulty, turning each encounter into a crucible where skill, patience, and determination are tested. This guide offers insight into the most challenging bosses and provides strategies to conquer them, ensuring you can continue your quest as the victor.

Guardian Ape

The Guardian Ape represents a significant hurdle for many players. This beast, found in the Sunken Valley, is notorious for its erratic movements and a surprising second phase that catches many off-guard. The battle is a marathon, not a sprint, requiring you not just to attack but to observe and react.

Phase One Strategy:


In the initial phase, maintaining mobility is key. Keep a medium distance and wait for the ape to conclude its four-attack combo before you move in for a few hits. Firecrackers are incredibly effective at stunning the ape, allowing for a series of attacks. However, use them sparingly to avoid diminishing their effectiveness due to the ape's increasing resistance.

Phase Two Strategy:

After decapitating the ape, you might think the battle is over, but it's merely entering its next terrifying stage. The headless ape is even more unpredictable, wielding its own severed head as a weapon. The trick here is patience and the use of the Loaded Spear. When the ape performs its dive attack, evade and counter with the spear to cause significant posture damage. Keep your distance, learn the attack patterns, and strike when it's safe to do so.

Genichiro Ashina

Genichiro Ashina is a warrior of great skill and determination, making him one of the tougher bosses you'll face. His ability to unleash a flurry of arrows and lightning-fast sword attacks can overwhelm unprepared players. The key to defeating Genichiro lies in mastering the art of deflection and seizing opportunities to attack.


Maintaining a close distance to Genichiro is crucial, as it limits his use of the bow, forcing him into a melee fight where you can better predict and counter his moves. Focus on building his posture damage through consistent deflections rather than attempting to deplete his health. When he leaps into the air for his lightning attack, prepare to use the Lightning Reversal technique by jumping into the air as the attack lands, then strike him before you touch the ground, sending the lightning back to him. This opportunity is crucial for turning the tide of the battle in your favor.

Lady Butterfly

Within the haunting bounds of the Hirata Estate, Lady Butterfly awaits, her grace and lethal precision making her a formidable adversary. This fight tests your ability to stay focused on your target while managing additional distractions.



The key to defeating Lady Butterfly is to control the pace of the battle. Use Snap Seeds to disperse her illusions, or simply run around the perimeter of the room until they convert into perilous spirit emblems. When facing Lady Butterfly one-on-one, keep pressuring her with attacks to prevent her from casting illusions and to build up her posture. The moment she leaps on her wire, throws a shuriken to knock her down and open her up for more damage.

Isshin, the Sword Saint

The final confrontation with Isshin, the Sword Saint, is the ultimate test of everything Sekiro has learned on his journey. Isshin's mastery of multiple combat styles, combined with his aggressive and unpredictable attack patterns, makes him the most demanding opponent in the game.

Phase One Strategy:

During the first phase, your focus should be on aggressively engaging Isshin and building his posture damage while being ready to deflect his rapid succession of attacks. The Mortal Draw is a powerful tool here, dealing significant posture and health damage despite its slow execution.

Phase Two and Three Strategy:

In the second and third phases, Isshin summons the power of wind and lightning to his arsenal, significantly expanding his range and power. Utilize the terrain to your advantage; keeping a pillar between yourself and Isshin can provide crucial moments of respite. Lightning Reversal becomes critical here as well; by successfully countering his lightning strikes, you can deal massive posture damage. Remember, maintaining your composure and striking with precision is key to overcoming this monumental challenge.

Great Shinobi - Owl


Owl, your adoptive father, and mentor, stands as a colossal roadblock on Sekiro's path, especially during the encounter at the top of Ashina Castle. His knowledge of your techniques and a vast arsenal of tricks can make this fight particularly challenging.


Combat against Owl demands caution and patience. His use of shinobi tools and powerful attacks requires a defensive approach, focusing on counterattacks after evading or deflecting. One of the most dangerous moments to watch for is when he throws a flash bomb to disorient you, signifying his preparation for a deadly attack. When he tosses his anti-healing bomb, stay mobile and keep your distance until its effects dissipate. Chip away at his health when opportunities arise and remain vigilant of his movements to slowly but surely secure victory.

Confronting these titans in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice embodies the heart of the samurai spirit, facing seemingly insurmountable odds with courage, skill, and strategies developed through perseverance. With their unique fighting styles and weaknesses, each boss offers a puzzle that, when solved, provides a sense of achievement few different games can match. Remember, hesitation is defeat, so embrace each challenge with a clear mind and the heart of a warrior. Victory awaits those who are prepared to face death and, in doing so, discover the true way of the shinobi.
